Sachse Municipal Complex


The new complex consists of City Hall, a Senior Activity Center, a Public Safety Building, and Library. The project is expected to achieve LEED certification.

Location: Sachse, Texas

Services Provided: Structural Engineering

Square Feet / Area: Four Buildings

Year Completed: 2010

UTD Natural Science and Engineering Research Lab


The new building was a four-story cast-in-place concrete building, with typical floors consisting of two-way flat slabs and post tensioned concrete beams. Civil Engineering services consisted of grading for the proposed building pad, design of a fire lane truck access drive and truck dock area, drainage system design, layout of the chilled water mains and water and sewer service taps to the University mains.

Location: Richardson, Texas

Services Provided: Civil and Structral

Square Feet / Area: 190,000 square feet

Year Completed: 2007

National Archives and Records Administration


CGA provided site development services for a new 161,000 square foot facility, which included hydraulic analysis and the relocation of an existing creek to facilitate future buildings in the industrial park.

Location: Fort Worth, Texas

Services Provided: Civil Engineering

Square Feet / Area: 14.5 acres

Year Completed: 2006

White Rock Lake Pedestrian Bridges and Overlook


The project included the design of a 12 foot wide elevated walkway about 400 feet long, built over the lake near the north end of West Lawther Drive for the new reconstructed White Rock Lake Trail and the design of two timber bridges to serve as pedestrian and bicycle bridges, one 150 feet long and the other 30 feet long.

Location: Dallas, Texas

Services Provided: Civil Engineering

Square Feet / Area: 4 bridges, 1 overlook, 1 boardwalk

Year Completed: 2006

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